All the sitting on my hands I have done of late has thrown me in a bit of an anxious state of mind, so before the devil made work for idle hands, I thought I’d knock up some reusable face scrubbies for the women in my life—together we can save our planet! I’m using some […]
Yesterday I fell in love
Yesterday I fell in love. It happened in one short day. In fact, in the space of a few hours, I knew I was hooked. Yes, painting stole my heart. In the beginning there were 5: blue, red, yellow, white and black, and the world looked like early days LEGO. Then, as if by magic, […]
Blank page syndrome
I don’t quite know how to kick this off, so why don’t I start from the beginning-ish? Picture it: London, 20041. After a couple of false starts caused mainly by my short attention span and an innate ability for underestimation (what? A funky scarf long enough to wrap around the Earth a couple of times? […]