
Hanging Basket

Happy Bank Holiday Monday, boys and girls! Here’s something I completed last week: a hanging storage basket, a stylish and practical solution to add vertical storage in your home. Ideal for displaying plants or organising your kitchen, bathroom, entryway (just pop hats and gloves to grab before you head out), children’s toys or other bits […]

Cailín Arm Warmers

Just finished these arm warmers for a friend (hi Carolyn!). Hope they’ll keep her nice and toasty! Anyone interested in test knitting the pattern I’ve written for these? They’re worked in the round on DPNs (I imagine they’d work equally well done in magic loop) on 4 mm needles (or size to get gauge). One […]

Good wintry morning!

Good morning! Another wintry day in this part of the world Snow was forecast and it would have been magical waking up to the white stuff, but alas, only cold and bitter weather for us today. So, to bring a little cheer on this otherwise dark morning, look at how happy this set of reusable […]

Happy New Year!

Hey peeps! Have I really not posted anything since November??! I guess that’s right. Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Probably borderline acceptable, as technically we’re still in the first month of the year. Just. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR, folks! Hope 2023 has got off to a great start […]

Jute Plant Pot Cover

Hello children! I have been rather quiet on here, but lots of things have been happening behind the scenes. Somehow I have been having a bit of a hard time photographing stuff in the last few months, thus the lack of posts. I suspect because of how little daylight we seem to be having – […]


30 rows in and 160 stitches on the needles, and I’ve realised I have got every one of my M1 increases the wrong way around! Ouch! It’s only a tiny detail, barely noticeable, but I would know. So there are two options: either rip the whole thing and start over, or try and fix every […]

Lila Lacey Poncho

Yesterday we were blessed with a beautiful sunny autumnal day, so we went for a walk in the sunflower field near where we live. Unplanned but perfect photo opportunity for my recently completed Lila Lacey Poncho. I had had this yarn in my stash for too many years to count! I’m a little embarrassed to […]

My first hydrangea

A quick acrylic sketch of my very first hydrangea, or an impression of it. Actually, I meant to paint some bluebells from the garden, which must have come out a couple of weeks ago, but which only today, in the beautiful sunshine, caught my eye. But, I failed. So I changed flowers, and will go […]

Theorising colour

Playing with mixing acrylics in my brief exile in the Big City. I’m definitely wasting more colour than I’m using, but it’s so relaxing and a lot of fun! Changing the intensity/chroma of the primary colours by mixing them with their complementary colours. This is basically a study on how to make mud! Ax

Drawing 101

Back to drawing school for me this week, starting with a bit of basic sketching, the ubiquitous sphere. If you squint, it doesn’t look too bad for a half-arsed first attempt. I have actually gone and bought a sketching pad and plan on following the sage advice of carrying it with me at all times. […]

In your hands

Quick and crude sketch of interlaced hands. It turns out that picking up a pencil again after 20 years is NOT just like riding a bicycle. Years of digital only doodling, and my fingers seem to have forgotten how to draw in real life. Sobering thought. But I had also forgotten how much fun drawing […]

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