Happy New Year!

Blue Agate coasters
Blue Agate coasters

Hey peeps! Have I really not posted anything since November??! I guess that’s right. Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Probably borderline acceptable, as technically we’re still in the first month of the year. Just. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR, folks! Hope 2023 has got off to a great start for you.

Lots of crafty stuff has been going on chez Annarella over the past few months. Well, I say lots, but perhaps not as much as I would have liked, as I’ve been battling this horrid bug that’s been going round. So that’s taken me out of commission for a while. But I’m over the worst (I hope!), so I’m counting on being a lot more productive. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, here’s a set of coasters I crocheted for a friend for Christmas. They’re made out of Italian cotton. 4 strands held together to make them nice and dense.


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Happy New Year!

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